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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Poets are bonkers

Just to prove myself i can
As Eminem would say "God damn!"
I'm gonna write and write
Till i get a rhyme alright!

I'll compose a poem, folks!
After what seems like ages ago
Will consider it a thousand bucks
Even if it just sucks!

Won't write about love,
I'll give myself a (heart) break
No to the issues!
Gosh! Who wants to delve in it.
Rape, Murder, Corruption!
Why give myself a strain?
As if i can prevent it with my pen.

Talking about strain,
My head gives me such a pain
As certain people do
I so wish to shove them in a loo!

"You are really going loony, aren't you Prachi?" says me with a British accent
"Oh i'm so scared, Prachi keeps forgetting things" chips in the Anxious one
"Oh! won't it be cool for a psychology student to be admitted in a mental institution!" the Curious Prachi shouts out.

The British accent kills the Cat
And the Anxious cleans up after..

Curiosity and Mewing dint ever go together.

Poets, are bonkers.